What shall we talk about today?

What shall we talk about today? Who or what decides that question?

Often we talk about what others are talking about. And others are talking about what MEDIA are talking about, the so called “news”.

We post a link, thus repeating or replicating something that might have absolutely nothing to do with US, our thoughts, feelings and dreams.

This can be intentional hide-and-seek, keeping up a facade, or it can be unintentional, unconscious killing of time.

But it is more than that. It reinforces the status quo, current thought patterns, feeling patterns and World Patterns.

It keeps the world the same. It freezes life.

Life is a copy machine.
Life is a copy machine.

A world that sorely would need to change, improve and move forward is “kept in place” by all this imitative repetition. How many of us are looking in a brand new direction, pointing towards a new star, saying something nobody has said or has dared to say? Something that comes from within and not from others or media.

Life is like a CD player in Repeat mode; the identical song is playing over and over. The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie? The same procedure as every year, James.

We have even been taught to see this is something positive! We say something has “gone viral” — a supposedly good thing. We might as well say “it has gone cancerous”.

So, what shall we talk about today?

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