It is quite rare to bump into the same person twice in a city of 1.7 million inhabitants. Especially in this way.
I am drinking a milkshake in a doughnut place. The best place is by the window, that way I can watch life flow by.

Suddenly a girl on the other side of the glass stops and waves to me. She points to her camera, I nod, and she “shoots” me. My weapon is close by so I “shoot” back at her. A peaceful duel.
I didn´t really catch her face but it was an enjoyable little episode in the life of a gentleman photographer.
A week later I am sitting and drinking tea at a place without doughnuts. This time there is no window between me and the human lava flow; I am in the middle of it.
A girl comes up to my table, opens a thick envelope, takes out a contact sheet and points at it: “That´s you.”
Ah, that´s her, my shooter! What a coincidence in a big city. Or fate? Being familiar with The Love for Three Oranges I don´t let her leave right away. I “shoot” her again, this time with a better camera.
Now she has a face, a beautiful one.
And I say to myself, this is what photography should be like.